OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT PLAN: A Plan to rollout the Training Schedule for the whole organization. DESCRIPTION: Complexity: INTERMEDIATE Level Task Items: <~99 / ~6 months File Type: Template Domain: HR Project Management Phases: Initiation, Planning, Execution Key Concepts Learned: Resource Management, Using Work resources, Material resources and Cost resources, Effort Driven Tasks SCENARIO: You are the "General Manager - Human Resources (GM-HR)" of a Multi National Company - Manufacturers of high quality automobile spare parts. - Your organization is going to be certified for QS9000 company level certification in 18 months time. - You have to provide the first set of Orientation Trainings to the management level officers of the entire organization. - The key STAKEHOLDER of this project will be your own company. - The key challenge will be to organize trainings across 10+ locations in India - and another 10 manufacturing locations worldwide. Some guidelines you have established: - People, training material and training budgets will have to be carefully managed - You intend to plan this over 4 Stages - Planning, Commencement, Implementation and Conclusion - Communicate Plan early - so you can book resources time schedules ------------------------------------------------- The WBS / Task list - A plan completed about 60% has been given to you. - You have to build out the rest as per guidelines: - Complete Phases 3 and 4 - using your imagination to populate atleast 20 new tasks - both phases included - WORK Resources have been created - make the Allocations - Ensure no overallocations - CREATE A NEW TEMPLATE FROM YOUR CHANGES *********Copyright Info********* * Lifetime access 50% discount for just $12 - 100+ video Lessons, Quizzes, 100+ exercise files: * https://www.udemy.com/microsoft-project-tutorial/?couponCode=copyrightDiscount * CONQUER Microsoft Project 2016 today! Get promotions, respect of peers and mastery of your domain. * Approved for 10 FREE PMP PDU points from Project Management Institute PMIĀ©. * Copyright Srikanth R Shirodkar 2016-2020. email: srikanth.shirodkar@gmail.com ********************************