Creating New SLD
To start with the dynamic SLD web application, Type Http://Localhost/PublishSLD/
When the link is opened. below page will be appeared for database connectivity purpose Provide valid database server name, configuration database name,data database name Username and password and click on save for your database connectivity and you can redirect to login page
Ex: your IP /Your SLD Name/Login.aspx
If there are no database connectivity then See DBoption page for database Connectivity.
Fill All Required Field like Below Image.
Click on “Save” Button Your Database Connectivity is completed. Then after you can see Login page.
· Standard Username and password:
- Username: Admin
- Password: ssmits
After login you can be Seen below X-Force SLD main Page.
To Get Already Created SLD Please select your respective SLD Name from the First Dropdown List and Click on “Show” Button. So You Can See your respective SLD Like Below.

Note: In dropdown list you can see all created SLD which is also permitted in your License. In license Permission for Number of Report and number of Device, etc. would be configured.