Create Edit Columns

As per above Screen short after create Editor Click on Editcolumns. And click on Add Edit columns button. Control Type :Text Box Example

Click on Save button 

You can see your Editor has been created and please check all functionality insert update and delete in your Editor and update in your respectively configuration.

Note:: tbl_int_editdeletechild Entry is not available in Their configuration sp lease follow Xdocx Configuration Delete link apply in lv Columns For delete your Data.

Edit Column in Detail
Sr No Column Column Description
1 Edit Name Select Edit Name which you want to page from this list.
2 Serial Number Set sequence using serial umber in ascending manners.
3 Table Name Select Table name which you using in page.
4 Column Name It should be column name related to Data base.
5 Column Label It should be set column label which indicated suitable name for particular column.
6 Column Tool Tip Set one of hind for user , so add you suitable tool tip name in this column.
7 Column Type Set column type like string , int, Boolean etc.
8 Control Type Select control type like text box, button etc. it  is use of your page and functionality.
9 Text Default value Set Text Default value on particular column.
10 Output Format Set output format like date,time etc.
11 Visible If you want to visible particular column then set True other wise false.
12 Save or Not if you want save set set True.
13 Auto Post Back if your field data is auto post back then set true otherwise false.
14 Auto Default Value Set as Default value for particular column value.

Last modified: Tuesday, 13 August 2019, 6:16 PM