Create List view Button

Go to List view Configuration Search your List view And click on List view Buttons link as per below Screen Short.

Click on Add Lv Buttons

Please Insert all Required Field and click on save buttons

LV Button in Details
Sr No Column  Column Description
1 List View Select LV from list.
2 User ID Set User Id which you wan to assign for that. This field is not mandatory so you can set also blank.
3 Trans ID Set Tran Id which you want to assign that.This field is not mandatory so you can set also blank.
4 Button Sequence No All Button has one by one set sequence number which you want showing in proper list.
5 Name It should be given Meaning full Name.
6 Image URL If you want so image for button and select image from list.
7 Control Type Set control type is Normal button or Drop down.
8 cmb Default Value if you load any default value then set in this text box.
9 cmb Table Name Set Table name which you want to use for this button.
10 cmb TextField Name Set Field name which you want to use for this button.
11 cmb ValueFieldName Set Value name which you want to use for this button.
12 cmb Where Expression It has given particular condition so this value set in Where Expression column.
13 cmb Order By Expression Set order by expression in this field.
14 cmb TextFieldName Set text field name in this field.

Last modified: Thursday, 8 August 2019, 12:06 PM