Gauge Chart

After Click on Add new Button  Let's Configure Gauge chart all Required Field. 

Click on Add Dashboard Detail Respective your  Gauge Chart Dashboard . Click On Add New Button. 

Click on Save Button 

After Select Control Type all Required field Should be display then After Configure all Field.

Click on Save button.

After configure Dashboard Please Create Tree link for your Dashboard. 

Go to Tree X-Admin Module Configure Tree For Your Gauge Chart Other Wise Backoffice Database Side You can configure Tree  

Node URL: REDIRECT#Dashboard/NewDashboard.aspx?name=GaugeChart

Click on Scree Menu Click ON your chart

Gauge Chart Detail
Sr No Column Column Description
1 Chart Name it should be given meaning full name for chart.
2 Image on Button Select suitable image on button.
3 Control Type Select control type like Pie chart, bar
4 Gauge Inside Title it should be given suitable header text.
5 Query value Write query for which type of data you want o show in chart.
6 Gauge Tooltip Title
it should has given tooltip title for showing in chart.
7 Gauge Min Value Set Minimum value for Gauge chart.
8 Gauge Max Value Set Maximum value for Gauge chart.
9 Chart Title Set suitable title for Gauge Chart.
10 Gauge colour Range It has given Navigation link for redirect that page and showing Chart Data.
11 Interval Set interval time between two column. 
12 Header below Text It should be given Header text below Gauge chart.
13 Button Background colour It has given background colour for button.
14 Button Shape It has given shape for button like Square,rectangle,round etc.
Last modified: Friday, 2 August 2019, 12:48 PM