Personalize Alarm Notification

Personalize Alarm Configuration is maintained to generate alarm for a critical tag.

This notification is almost similar to Tag  notification but main difference is that it has a time frame as Expiring time for Alarm.

If we give Expiring time for this Alarm till that time only Alarms will be generating after that time frame alarms will get automatically terminated.

If need a fresh Personalize Alarm 'Add New'.

Click on Add new button.

Please fill up All Required field and click on save button.

Personalise Alarm Notification
Sr No Column Column Description
1 Alarm Name It has given proper name.
2 Alarm Description Write description for alarm details
3 Alarm Limit It should be condition like value is grater than of less then for alarm.
4 Alarm Enable True is enable for Alarm. false is disable for Alarm.
5 Alarm Expire set last date for Alarm fully expire.

Last modified: Thursday, 25 July 2019, 3:42 PM