Group Notification

Group notification is allocated for sending Email and SMS to a Group of events happening onsite.(DAS,Device,Tag)  

If you choose only mail Notification if Email is enabled then fill up all Email IDs which you want to send.

SMS Notification is same as of Email Notification,if it is enabled then fill up mobile numbers which you want to send Notification  

In Email Notification also provide Email send type WIA outlook or SMTP .If you choose SMTP server then you should  written down SMTP server Name.  

Go to master Configuration→Notification→Group Notification 

Click on Add new button. Here you can Create plant wise Group. 

Please select all your required field and Click on save button. 

Sr No Column Column Description
1 Group Name It has given suitable group name as per plant.
2 Is SMS True for send SMS else false.
3 Is Mail True for send Mail else false.
4 Is Enable True for Group is Active else false.

Last modified: Thursday, 25 July 2019, 1:52 PM