Database Backup
Database Back up schedule is allocated for auto backup of the database.
Expand Database backup Schedule and click on Add new button.
Click on save button.
Sr No | Column | Column Description |
1 | Step Name | Set Step Name as Database Backup |
2 | Database Name | Select database name which you want as Backup. |
3 | Frequency | Set frequency for How many days occur backup. |
4 | Group Name | Select Group name for this Database backup. |
5 | Frequency Unit | Select Day,Month and year for taken Database backup. |
6 | Make Zip Backup | if you want in Zip file then set as True other wise false. |
7 | Save Path | Here Given path were store your Database Backup in this folder. |
8 | Flag Enable | Active this service set Flag as true other wise False. |
Last modified: Wednesday, 24 July 2019, 5:05 PM