Archive Database

Archiving is the process of backing up the obsolete data that will be deleted during the purge Process. 

Archive Schedule which is done for the Database  which is configurable  and which is done depends on your Database max size .


Click on Add new button. Configure Your Archive Schedule. After Fill up all require field please click on Add to list button. and Click on Save button .

Your Schedule step Save successfully respective of your main schedule. 

If you want to create new Step then Click on Schedule Tree and click on config Task Respective your Main Schedule. 

Archive Database
Sr No Column Column Description
1 Step Name Write step name for act ivy like, Archive,backup ,Shrink etc.
2 Group Name Select your group which you create by schedule.
3 Flag Enable Set true if you want archive database other set at.

Last modified: Friday, 26 July 2019, 1:52 PM