
Master Parameter Configuration is a table which is allocated for auto inserting a parameter with a parameter id,parameter name,short name when a device is created, which is used in Master Tag as Parameter ID and Parameter Short name for fetching the data from all Energy Meters onsite to database (1 column) in Hist_Real & Hist_Online.

Important Notes: 

                When the parameter is created and also device is created but the column with that Shortname is not created in any of the  transaction table, please update entered DateandTime In tbl_mast_parameter table.  

Parameter Configuration
Sr No Column Column Description
1 Parameter Name  Parameter name like Avg, R-Phase, B-Phase, Frequency etc.
2 Short Name  Set short name like Kw, Avg, Kwh etc.
3 Is Reading Set data reading in reading format than Is Reading check as true.

Last modified: Thursday, 25 July 2019, 11:20 AM