Tag Configuration
Select Device Configuration we can see the Energy meter or Device added and it's Tags and it's Scangroups .
Click on Tag link and Scangroup Link you can see that auto generate tags and scangroups respective to the device clicked.
Please Click on Tag link.
If you want to change any tag, Click on Edit link .
Example: if you want to add multiplier, OPC Item Name, Item name, Set Alarm maximum value, min Value.
After Editing tag please click on save button, Tag will be updated.
Please go back and click on Scan group Link.
Sr No | Column | Column Description |
1 | Datatype | Datatype should be Reading or Analog. For Trend Tag use Analog data type like KW, V1, I1, PF etc.. and for Report Tag use Reading Datatype like KWH,KVARH etc.. |
2 | Mapping Style | Mapping style is use for get Correct Data from energy meter. Different Different Mapping style we use Like Float2143,Float1234,Float3412,Float4321 etc.. |
3 | Scan Group Name |
Add Scan group name for scanning data. |
4 | Tag Type | Tag type is IO or Memory. IO for input output tag data. |
5 | Conversion Type | It should be M or E. M for meter data and E for Equation. |
6 | Multiplier | It is Use for get result data with multiplication with Row Data. Most Of It is Use of Convert Unit Like KW to MW. For This case use Multiplier 0.001 for Convert KW Unit Row data to Convert MW Unit Row data |
7 | Offset | Add or minus some fixed value to Row data. Mostly Offset Use for satec Meter as per Calculation of CT and PT |
8 | Decimal Places | Output result data show and insert in database as per given Decimal Place |
9 | Item Name | Insert Register address in Item Name for get data of parameter. |
10 | OPCTime Name | Insert OPC Item ID for Get data from OPC Server |
11 | Alarm Lo | Set alarm value for low. |
12 | Alarm Lo Lo | Set Alarm value for Low Low. |
13 | Alarm Hi | Set Alarm value For High. |
14 | Alarm Hi Hi | Set Alarm Value for high High. |
15 | Tag Equation | Add equation for calculate multiple Tag value and store in one tag |
16 | Flag Save History | Use for Store parameter value in Tbl_Trans_histOnline for trend display purpose. |
17 | Alarm Enable | Use for Tag wise Alarm Enable |
18 | Parameter Name | Set Unique Parameter Name |
19 | Unit Name | Set Proper Unit name |
20 | Flag save Report | Store Data on tbl_trans_histReal Table |
Last modified: Friday, 26 July 2019, 12:57 PM