Application Setting

  • Go to Configuration Menu and click on Application Setting.
  • Click on "Edit" in the given entry.

  • Click on Edit Link   only Edit Application Setting and update your Redundancy Configuration, Sql Configuration, Mailer configuration and Other Configuration. 

After Update CSV File Path, Mailer File Path etc.  All configuration Click on save button.

Application Setting Table
Sr No Column Name Column Description
1 TagLastValueStoreTimeOutInSec It should be keep last good request data during define time in this column when my next request is bad.
2 MailFailedPath When mail send fails, Xml file path is store on this path.
3 MailFrom It can be store sender name of mail in this field.
4 SMTPIPAddress  smtp IP Address is store in this column.
MailSendVia  Mail send via outlook or smtp.
MailSavePath  Xml file path store in this column.
CSV file path store in this column. 

Last modified: Tuesday, 2 July 2019, 5:07 PM