Assignment of Web Configuration
Please find below your practical definition with Total 30 Marks Question Paper. You have submit Live Web Portal Link and Screen shot of Each Question
1) Configure Three Loop(One Loop Modbus Protocol ,Second Loop TCP Modbus Protocol, Third Loop OPC DA Protocol) with X-Docx web portal (1 Mark)
2) Configure 12 Device(Energy Meter), 3 Device OPC DA Protocol,5 Device in Modbus Loop and 4 Device in TCP Modbus Loop with Different Make and Model as per Below assign Make and model and Configure Tag as per below Tag list against Make and Mode of Energy meter. (1 Mark)
3) Configure 8 Hour Frequency for Report and 30 Sec Frequency for Trend Data of 12 Device. (1 Mark)
4) Configure Email Notification and SMS Notification as per below.
a. DAS Server Start Only(1 Mark)
b. Configure Any Three Device for Bad Response(1 Mark)
c. Configure Any Two Tag for notification HiHI, LoLo Only(1 Mark)
5) Configure one Personalized Alarm with Email Notification with Validity of 28th Aug-2020(1 Mark)
6) Configure One Live table for Show Active Power(KW) of 12 Device and Row Color Change when IKW>50 in Live Table(1 Mark)
7) Configure One Extra Manual Entry Device with only One Tag “ Active Energy (KWH)” and Configure Frequency of Daily 8:00:00 AM. (2 Mark)
8) Configure one Schedule with Call Daily at 8:00:00 AM one time and Execute Below task.
a. Archive Database of 20 Days(1 Mark)
b. Database Backup(1 Mark)
c. SQL Query(Delete Old 20 Days History Alarm ) (1 Mark)
d. Shrink Database(1 Mark)
e. 8 Hour Report Send daily 8.00.00 AM on Configure Email Address. (1 Mark)
9) Configure One User which access below Module.
a. SLD screed Not access(1 Mark)
b. Live Table Access(1 Mark)
c. 8 Hour Report Access (Daily Report Not Access) (1 Mark)
d. Trend Access(1 Mark)
e. Configuration and XAdmin not Access. (1 Mark)
10) Configure One Area Chart Dashboard for display Live KW Active power Value of 12 device. (1 Mark)