This first Moodle course will cover the basics of Moodle,setting up and laying out a Moodle course, adding text, images, files and folders. Personalising the site to suit you. |
How to use Technologies in my course?
Best practices of using the various technologies around and implementing them into your Moodle course.
Multimedia, Flash, Java, Video, Animation...
An online course providing support and training for new features within Moodle 2 and how they can be used in teaching.
The course is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of features and to enable the sharing of ideas with other teachers on how these features can be applied to teaching and learning. It uses the features of Moodle 2 that you will be learning about to get the experience as a learner and gain the knowledge required by the teacher.
Developed as part of the LSIS Collaboration in Technology project.
Tips/Tricks ... Moodle things shared ...